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Version: 1.0.0


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Learn about LoginID

LoginID provides a comprehensive SaaS based identity and authentication platform that offers frictionless, highly scalable online services to enable fast, low cost deployment and easy maintenance for small to large enterprises. We solve the online identity and authentication problems by removing insecurity around using traditional passwords and login methods and adding unparalleled ease of use across all digital channels.

LoginID's FIDO-certified one-click strong authentication solution gives developers a secure authentication tool that can be easily and quickly integrated into any website or mobile application. The solution gives the end user peace of mind, by providing them a user-friendly, secure way to login to, and transact with, any LoginID-integrated platform. The solution helps companies reduce online fraud, and increase their customer conversion rates.

Created with developers and enterprises in mind, LoginID is a simple, cost-effective, and FIDO-certified solution that adheres to PSD2 principles. With low operating costs and rapid integration, LoginID supports efficient scaling of businesses by supporting their growth. Because LoginID is a hosted service and FIDO clients are built into major operating systems and browsers, deployment is easy to scale up and manage compared to proprietary systems.

LoginID has many different use cases, which you can learn about here.

Why Passwordless?

Passwords are inconvenient for customers, insecure, and a liability for businesses. By removing passwords, businesses can provide a better experience to their end users, increase security, increase revenue and conversion, and decrease overhead costs.

According to McKinsey, low friction authentication flows can increase overall usage by up to 20% [ref]. This is likely underestimated, as ⅓ of online purchases are abandoned due to forgotten passwords [ref].

Over 80% of data breaches (with an average cost of $3.9 Million [ref]) have a root cause related to passwords, and the average cost to reset a password through a help desk is $70.

Many companies with a physical footprint also limit their digital offerings for high risk transactions and force users to go to a physical location to complete a transaction. This is very common in the banking industry, as branches are still leveraged for this purpose. Stronger digital authentication can solve this, and allows businesses to provide more services digitally to both save cost and increase revenue.

Learn more about FIDO and how we use the FIDO protocols to eliminate passwords.

Problems with Existing Passwordless Solutions

There are alternatives to passwords available on the market, but none of them have truly resolved the tradeoff of security and convenience. Some common methods of performing passwordless authentication and the issues with them are listed below:

Email and SMS One-Time-Passwords

As per the NIST guidelines, email is not an approved channel for authentication due to the many security vulnerabilities associated with emails. When providing email as the primary channel for authentication to your application, your security can only be as good as the security of your end users’ email account. SMS as an authentication channel is considered “RESTRICTED” by NIST meaning SMS will no longer be acceptable at some point in the future. This is due to the various vulnerabilities associated with the SMS channel.

Aside from the known security related issues with both the email and SMS channels, there are also user experience issues. Aside from being a poor, out of band experience, emails and text messages are frequently delayed in sending, which can be a very frustrating experience for users when they are in a hurry. Even in the best case when the delivery is instantaneous, the process is still much slower than an authentication using FIDO.

Risk Based Authentication

Big data and machine learning have led to very impressive advancements in security and fraud detection. However, these methods of authenticating users are probabilistic and require large amounts of data to be effective. Increasing privacy related regulations being instituted across the world (such as GDPR) are making these technologies less and less useful in the authentication world. Google and Apple have both announced changes to their operating systems making device fingerprinting less effective in order to protect the privacy of their users.

Probabilistic risk based authentication mechanisms have been extremely useful in the past because there was always a big tradeoff between security and convenience, but now FIDO provides both using a deterministic approach.

Proprietary Biometric Authentication

Many companies provide the ability to authenticate users with a selfie, rather than using the native biometrics on the device (e.g. FaceID). This is referred to as “Proprietary Biometrics” as the company providing this service builds an algorithm to perform liveness detection and often the matching of a selfie to a government document. These typical biometric authentication solutions typically provide many issues, and do not have a straightforward fallback as the native operating systems do. If the user’s face is partially covered or they are in dim lighting, this method likely will not work which results in a very negative customer experience. Proprietary algorithms also have varying efficacy rates, typically denoted as the False Acceptance Rate (FAR) and the False Rejection Rate (FRR). Onboard biometric solutions built into everyday devices have gone through rigorous testing and refinement, which leads to an optimal user experience.


Passwords are bad for customers and for businesses. Many of the existing passwordless solutions on the market are an improvement from a security and convenience perspective compared to passwords, but still have a long way to go in resolving all the issues associated with passwords.

Our passwordless solution does not depend on insecure channels such as email or SMS, device fingerprinting which is probabilistic and becoming less and less useful, proprietary biometric authentication algorithms, nor server side biometrics. At the same time, our solution is easy to use for end customers.

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