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Version: 2.0.0


Initial Setup

The LoginID Android SDK enables you to add passkey authentication in your native Android application without having to redirect the user to any pages outside your application.

The SDK leverages the Credential Manager API for creating and syncing passkeys with Google Password Manager.

Required settings:

  • Host Digital Asset Links JSON file
  • Base URL
  • Application ID

The LoginID Android Mobile SDK requires Android 9+ (API 28+) for compatibility.

Configure assetlinks.json File

To make your app work with the SDK, you need to link your app to your website. This is done by using a file called Digital Asset Links. You must create this file and then place it on your website.

Find package name

If you need to find the package name of your Android app you can find it in your app's build.gradle file under the defaultConfig section.

Generate SHA-256 Fingerprint of Your App's Signing Key

The SHA256 fingerprint is a unique hash value generated from the app's certificate, which is used to identify the app's authenticity and integrity.

You can find your app's SHA256 fingerprint by using the keytool utility that comes with the Java Development Kit (JDK). And run the following command while replacing KEYSTORE_PATH with the path to your keystore file, KEYSTORE_ALIAS with your key alias, KEYSTORE_PASSWORD and KEY_PASSWORD are replaced with the actual passwords for your keystore and key.

keytool -list -v -keystore KEYSTORE_PATH \

This command will output various certificate information, including the SHA256 fingerprint.


The keytool command can be found at $JAVA_HOME/bin if it isn't globally available.


When you're developing an app locally, it's simpler to use your default debug keystore for testing purposes. Find where your debug keystore is located and run the command on that.

Replace the arguments with the default values for the debug keystore.

  • KEYSTORE_ALIAS: androiddebugkey
  • KEY_PASSWORD: android

In a production environment, you should opt for a dedicated keystore. If you need to find your SHA256 fingerprint, especially for Google Play Console related tasks, you can do so directly within the Google Play Console.

Host assetlinks.json file on Your Website Directory

Host the file under the correct path <WEBSITE_DOMAIN>/.well-known/assetlinks.json in the root directory of your website.

Here is an example of the minimum required fields in the file:

relation: [
target: {
namespace: "android_app",
package_name: "<PACKAGE_NAME>",
sha256_cert_fingerprints: ["<SHA256_FINGERPRINT>"],

Use the following example as a template and replace PACKAGE_NAME and SHA256_FINGERPRINT with your values.

Declare Association in the Android App

To associate your Android app, update your strings.xml file with the website's URL.

<string name="asset_statements" translatable="false">
\"include\": \"<WEBSITE_DOMAIN>/.well-known/assetlinks.json\"

Then modify the AndroidManifest.xml to include a meta-data element referencing this URL.

<manifest xmlns:android=""
<meta-data android:name="asset_statements" android:resource="@string/asset_statements" />

Create an SDK Instance

import services.LoginIDService


public class MyApplication extends AppCompatActivity {
private LoginIDServiceConfig config = new LoginIDServiceConfig(
private LoginIDService loginIdService = new LoginIDService(config);

protected void onCreate() {
// any other configurations
// ...
// ...

API Reference


Sign up a user for passkey authentication.

public void registerWithPasskey(
@NonNull final Activity activity,
@NonNull final String username,
@Nullable final CreatePasskeyOptions options


CreatePasskeyOptions {
displayName: string
activityActivitytrueThe context used to launch any UI needed; use an activity context to make sure the UI will be launched within the same task stack.
usernameStringtrueUsername of the customer to be registered.
optionsCreatePasskeyOptionsfalseAdditional options for the sign-up process.
options.displayNameStringfalseA human-palatable name for the user account, intended only for display on your passkeys and modals.


Sign in a previously registered user with a passkey.

public void authenticateWithPasskey(
@NonNull final Activity activity,
@NonNull final String username,
@Nullable final GetPasskeyOptions options


GetPasskeyOptions {
activityActivitytrueThe context used to launch any UI needed; use an activity context to make sure the UI will be launched within the same task stack.
usernameStringtrueUsername of the customer to sign-in with.
optionsGetPasskeyOptionsfalseAdditional options for the sign-in process.



Can occur during the authentication process. It is designed to encapsulate detailed information about login-related errors, making it easier to handle and debug issues related to user authentication.

msgCodestringThe error code associated with the login error. Defaults to unknown_error.
msgstringThe detailed message or description of the error. Defaults to unknown error.